Altered Books
Examples of published books which I have transformed. "Quarry" is an excavation of my own book, "Rock of Ages, Sands of Time."

  • 1Page-quarry
    Altered book (Rock of Ages, Sands of Time by Barbara Page and Warren Allmon
    Book size, 7.25” x 11” x 1”
  • 2Page-DoubleBlind
    Altered book (The Blind Assassin by Margaret Atwood)
    9.5” x 14” x 4.5”
  • 3Page-bridge1
    A Bridge
    Altered book (Engineers of Dreams by Henry Petoski)
    14 x 9.5” x 6.5”
  • Bridge2
    A Bridge
    Altered book (Engineers of Dreams by Henry Petoski)
    14 x 9.5” x 6.5”